Safe Banking for Seniors

First National Bank is a proud participant in Safe Banking for Seniors, a national program sponsored by the ABA Foundation that provides the tools and resources necessary to help older adults, their families, and caregivers prevent elder financial abuse and exploitation.
Featured on this site are valuable videos, activity sheets, and flyers about avoiding scams, preventing identity theft, financial caregiving, powers of attorney, choosing executors, and more.
If you suspect financial elder abuse, you should:
- Notify someone at the first sign of trouble, such as unusual transactions, missing money, or unpaid bills.
- Report it to Adult Protective Services in your area and ask them to investigate and provide assistance to the victim.
- Report it to the victim's bank or other financial institution and ask them to freeze or monitor the accounts involved.
- Report it to local law enforcement.
- Contact an elder law attorney or the Eldercare Locator for legal advice and guidance.
Click on the thumbnail to view the videos.