Banking on Character First: June 2017 Award
on Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Banking on Character First
Tom Friedman and Jen Walter had the opportunity to award Ava Barten from Rock Creek Elementary School as First National Bank's Banking on Character First winner. Ava began her project "Saving the Monarchs" during the 2017 school year and was encouraged by her 3rd Grade teacher Keri Johnson. Ava also worked with the organization "Monarch Watch" to order and plant milkweed plants on the grounds of Rock Creek Elementary with the support of her Principal Al Nepple at Rock Creek Elementary. The Milkweed plant provides food for Monarch Butterflies and supports their existence. Ave Barten will be rewarded for her project submission with a $75 Savings Account at First National Bank and another $75 to help with the implementation of her project. Keri Johnson was awarded a check for $50 to be used in her classroom as she continues to encourage her students to give back to the Ankeny community through community service projects.

Pictured from Left to Right,Tom Friedman - Market President First National Bank Ankeny, Ava Barten student at Rock Creek Elementary, Keri Johnson 3rd Grade teacher at Rock Creek Elementary, Jen Walter - Private Banker at First National Bank.